Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why Little Kids Die

Thought: Why Little Kids Die

Maybe the parents project their fear onto them and being so close to their source of life (spirit) they are more prone to absorb this negative energy and therefore their bodies take on the sickness. Imagine a pessimistic parent who during their entire pregnancy fears losing the child or a deformed child. Then, after having a healthy child fear them being hurt or injured. The child senses the fear and lowered energy vibrations and knowing nothing else by their innocence can only manifest the sickness their parents fear.

Or maybe, given that we all have a choice in everything we do, a child that is the result of two parents who's life paths have not gone the way to their true purpose and therefore aren't the proper environment for this life to reach their purpose. Perhaps the struggle they will have is too great, and instead of looking at it as an act of cruelty, it should be viewed as an act of forgiveness and mercy. In other words, maybe when two people who shouldn't have had a child together do so against all odds, the universe has to bring itself back into balance by ending the life of the child that should never have existed in the first place.

This may sound heartless but that is only the case if you believe there is nothing but darkness after death. Perhaps they will go back to the ultimate life source and be in peace having neither failed nor succeeded in a life on Earth that was never intended. It might have even been their choice to come ever so briefly to serve as a lesson in love to the parents.

Allergic To Negativity

I'm allergic to negativity.

When I read negative responses to concepts I want to believe in, I start to question everything that I've ever known to be true. To keep an open mind to every idea that each person rightfully believes makes everything seem such a delusion. 

What is real?
What can you believe?
What can you dedicate your life to and not discover to be a fraud only when it's too late?
What is the meaning of everything that happens outside the tiny scope we call our lives?

The world seems to be way too complicated at times, which is why the very thought of the Law Of Attraction makes so much sense and is so... attractive to me. Why wouldn't we be in control of everything that happens to us; and what could we accomplish if all of humanity were all on the same page in this way of thinking?

I know from personal experience that my life got exponentially better once I stopped dwelling on the negative events from my past. Everything is the past; the very moment you end this sentence the thought is already the past. 

Thinking of a positive future has brought me to this stage in my life where I feel like I am finally seeing clearly for the first time. When it comes to money there is surely no guaranteed "get rich quick" plan that any random person could take advantage of on a whim. However, it doesn't seem the odds against you are as unlikely when you consider that most people aren't even open to that kind of possibility. They would ignore it as though it doesn't exist while those who can look at the world with hope and a positive mind are free to casually take from it what they please, including as much money, success and happiness as they want to achieve. 

There is always a certain level of action that is required and, with this action, a risk that can only be overcome by perseverance. The truth to me is evident in the world around us. Everything that exists is an example of someone making something happen. Everything. Why would you doubt reality? Even if we don't comprehend fully the universe we live in, no matter how much some people would like you to believe they know it all, at some point you have to decide on a path and stick to it until it takes you to the next phase in your life. Fear of failure and change combined with the inability to have an open mind to better possibilities is the reason people live their whole lives in poverty and despair.

Ideas are worth something. Even if they fail they are worth experience. How you use failure as a means of growth can and will only lead you to greater successes down the road.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rambling #2

Love is just hate that has fallen from grace.

Rambling #1

What if there is no global time? All relative to each person. What if you only die when you understand a fundamental law of life?

Each person lives and sees the same world. History is made up past memories of the collective mind.